
Showing posts from 2010

passaleth: Solitude

passaleth: Solitude : "If we are to be allowed the gift of Solitude let it be on our own terms. If Solitude is forced upon us through circumstance, chosen or not, ..."

passaleth: Solitude

passaleth: Solitude : "If we are to be allowed the gift of Solitude let it be on our own terms. If Solitude is forced upon us through circumstance, chosen or not, ..."


If we are to be allowed the gift of Solitude let it be on our own terms. If Solitude is forced upon us through circumstance, chosen or not, fate will invite us into a form of Solitude not quite as comfortable as that afforded philosophers and hermits. If Archie discovers the lonely souls he will be strong, if Archie keeps his friends in his 'place' he will never ever be lonely again, and neither will you. Please, I implore you, if you take yourself into the wild lands or remain behind the walls of your home make sure that your Solitude does not become a lonelieness, so hard to bare that you'll accept the first person to offer you companionship, you just might meet Archie, and lord only knows he'll be eternally happy to meet you.

passaleth: Look up

passaleth: Look up : "What does it mean when we look up above When the sky is clear and night time has come Where do we think that our thoughts are lying The star..."

Knowing yourself

During the past two or three years I have been involved in a study programme that will allow me, through time, to work as a counsellor, the studying process has allowed me the opportunity to get to know myself, This sound fairly bonkers, does anyone truly know himself ? Probably not, however I do believe that I have learned who I am in so much as I know where I have come from, what I believe , what I care about in the world, what makes me happy and what makes me sad. In these respects knowledge is a valuable tool. How does this transfer into the story telling process? Well I suppose it lets me realise that it is a good thing to be able to be self-critical and also to be aware of what I feel that I am capable of doing well. Honesty about oneself is surely a good way of exerting an element of critical evaluation about the written word. If its rubbish its rubbish, and although I may think that something is good enough, maybe a reader may think differently, because, surely it is the o...


Walking around Strolling not running Breathing in air Inhaling not gasping Hand in hand Tenderly grasping Talking with you Speaking Not shouting The light in your dark eyes Shining Not blinding A love that will burn for ever Not flashing The taste of your kiss Sweetly it passes While the world goes around Spinning and turning Right by your side In the same space I feel your caress Gentle with passion Satisfied loving Lasting and lasting If I'm in your embrace The nights everlasting Sleep comes along Comfortably soothing In the morning your there With each dawn that passes The heat from the sun Finite but burning Warming our bodies Alive We are dancing AGL
If a billion pairs of eyes in every corner of the world Produced an ocean of teardrops with their eyes Distraught and full of sorrow Build a ship with handkercheif sails And float towards tomorrow When the sunrise comes  Droplets dry Peace again Comfort to all men Sorrow fills the continents As warlust peoples fight and scrap Morsels of land above the waterline Deserts Souless pits Live your life in Altruism care for all and more Ease the heavens capacity Let natural death come on No Matter what our leaders say Through floods of false philosophies Your one true truth you have inside Please let your head and heart decide To be full of harmonious caring Look to your neighbour once in a while And check out how he's faring No need for sails or craft with oars no need to stop them staring if you are a man With anothers love Troubles are eased by caring


I was born beneath the sun, I learned to walk, and then to run, I've stumbled and tripped but ne'r did fall, Sat upon fences, and peered over walls, I've seen the ocean smelt her salt, Bathed my feet in mountain lochs, Scaled steep pathways, until forced to stop, Be careful now avoid the drop, I've been out at night, Bathed by the moon And I've watched the dawn come round to soon, Days all merge from weeks into months, The years roll on, And never stop, then one day later, PFFF your gone, Eternal sleep no need for yawn's.

Come and see my blog

This blog is an opportunity for readers to comment on my upcoming book and of course for me to waffle on and on relentlessly about nothing in particular. I would be glad to hear from anyone on my face book friends list to have a look. The blog and web page are very basic, but hopefully through time it will imrove.