
Showing posts from February, 2011

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED, out 2011

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED, out 2011



passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed

passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed : "Am I alone in my worry and concern around the impending freedom that my stories will have? Once released judgement and opinions may or may n..."

Solitude and The Farmed

Am I alone in my worry and concern around the impending freedom that my stories will have? Once released judgement and opinions may or may not come my way. If they do, I would not be so presumptious or feel so self important that I expect 'things' to happen, I'll just have to wait and see. Does everyone who writes a story experience the discomfort of the unknown that I am now experiencing? I must say, that although I am confident in the quality of my work, the stories flow and they have an identifiable purpose, I still have the trepidatious feeling that if they are not well received I may be seen as a time waster or intellectual turnip. Archie Gibson is a strong and demonic individual, who is cunning and ruthless in his ability to find and stalk his victims. The idea that such a person may have existed in Victorian Scotland is not, I believe, unimaginable. Those were hard times, and social interactions were based on class and a persons station in life. It is wholly con...

passaleth: passaleth: untitled

passaleth: passaleth: untitled : "passaleth: untitled: 'I was born beneath the sun, I learned to walk, and then to run, I've stumbled and tripped but ne'r did fall, Sat upon ..."

passaleth: From 'The' to 'End'

passaleth: From 'The' to 'End' : "Its been 9-10 months since I entered the task of finding a publisher with whom I was happy to accept as a partner in my self-publishing vent..."

From 'The' to 'End'

Its been 9-10 months since I entered the task of finding a publisher with whom I was happy to accept as a partner in my self-publishing venture. Money was tight and the need for self-editing became clear, however through hard endeavour and the scrupelous assistance of others, the final draft was good to go around October 2010. Now its only a matter of time before my stories 'Solitude' and 'The Farmed' are available to all. This has undoubtedly been a very drawn out and frustrating process. The key to progress is patience and understanding. The hope is realistic in that I would be forever indebted if just one person who I have never met were to read my stories and enjoy them, quality can only be measured by the experience itself, no amount of speculation or dreaming can match up to the physical act of someone 'tasting' the product. Although gratifying so far, and the feed back positive I cannot wait until that day when my aspirations have come. As a Poet? I hav...