
Showing posts from April, 2011

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED : "Well that's it out there in the great big world. At first, once the book had been released I was filled with an incredibly potent feeling of..."


Well that's it out there in the great big world. At first, once the book had been released I was filled with an incredibly potent feeling of fear and dread. What would the reader think? Good stories ? Bad Stories? a multitude of emotions visited me every minute of every single day. Now I find, that although still touched by a tiny amount of nervousness, the over all feeling I have is one of confidence, and a sort of devil may care attitude, I do care what the reader thinks about my work, but, it doesn't really matter as much now, its too late, the bird has flown, the words are free. I believe in my heart that both of the stories are worthy of being read by whoever wishes to spend some time reading. Sure opinions may differ, but my own opinion, though possibly irrelevant, is my own. Available to by online on and on, also at Wh Smith and Barnes and Noble as well as from the Author website, AG Leyden /SOLITUDE and THE FARMED. Please enjoy reading as much a...