Fight for your life.
The soft sand ridden muddy path Under my feet Is cushioned for me by sturdy black boots Sloppy, slick slimy navigating as every part of my leg plays a part in keeping me upright Sinews twist, the cramping ageing muscles uncomfortably held in kilter Heading for home Light retreats The ever arriving daily dusk clocks in I can't see the car quite yet. This place takes me away But only for a short time Drudgery Routine Work Though enjoyable Wears at one Through time, burdened by the worries of others Chinks appear, cracks of darkness on a golden life Wandering, watching twigs may snap Wind blown pine trees sing in high pitched terror Birds dart Rabbits unseen? But for borrows Buzzards soar A red kite adorned a fence post Squirrels elusive Watching Just in case I might see one race by Even in the periphery of either eye A busy head is a safe head? Freedom from worries Eating and gnawing Snatching at anything that will offset these thoughts Let th...