It is very difficult to promote and market a book if you lack the funds to do so, as a self-published author there is no guarantee that the reader will even wish to gamble on the possibility that a book or a story within that book is worth the time it would take for him/her to read the words, whats the point? I hear you say!!

Well in my honest and truthful opinion, the reader will be drawn into SOLITUDE and will find himself thinking about the story after he has finished reading either the entire story or certain extracts held within. One reader has fed back to me 'here' concern that she had a very real and frightening nightmare, after she had read the whole book, that "Because I read your story, Andy, I thought, in my dream that someone was going to steal my soul!" Praise indeed. I can of course only imagine what goes that ladies mind at the best of times, however I am very happy that SOLITUDE had this effect on her, JOB DONE, as they say. But don't take my, or anyone Else's word for it read solitude now by ordering it on or on

The farmed although a very good idea and a worthy enough story may not be as developed as SOLITUDE, honesty compels me to state the truth.

So If you manage to acquire a copy of SOLITUDE and THE FARMED by AG Leyden, you will judge it on its own merits.


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