in consideration of the new year dawning
Up for it early when we're done yawning
Watching world news as it tells us of sorrow
Of humanities struggles
In lands far away
Tragedy's drop us into an abyss
The brutality of soldiers
Filming themselves
Inflicting a flick of their wrists
On the once loyal and faithful
The teachers stop teaching
When they are dead.
Despite this reminder of a world upside down.
Of the problems and issues that stick in our sighs
I see a future that is just like the past
As we spin in the heavens the cosmos so vast
We will keep on hurting and killing each other
Children will die
As will their fathers and their brave brothers
When all the mourning has died
and all the dropping tears have dried
The world keeps on turning
Life keeps on running
As well as the love that implores hearts to beat
The strength that drives the courage that thrives
Don't let the bastards get you down.


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