She stands in our doorway
She looks
She waves goodbye

Her poise
Her stature
Here beside me

Caress softly
Caress in passion
Carefree because of her

Sweetly honest
Sweetly caring
Sweating in harmony

Meeting in my hometown
Meeting after way too long
Met once never to part

The rose emits her perfume
The bluebell carpets the forest floor
The summer reminds me of her

Sitting talking
Sitting by a man made lake
Situated, at ease in comfort

Watching her sleeping
Watching her laughing
Water flows from source to sea

From the moment that we came together
From the moment of our introduction
Following through many years

If I could have but one wish I'd ask
For the moments passed to be remade
The heights of splendour we have achieved

Even the lows that bring us closer
Or threaten us with failure
Each second earthbound should be savoured

Every heartbeat that's skipped and faltered
During sorrow, joy our son and daughters
Brought to this place through our decisions

I stand beside her, in her perfect grace
If I go through life and make mistakes
If she complains its only fair

A journey stepping over stones
Eyes share sights
We fill with pride

Don't be afraid to show you care
Don't think that you are unmanly or rare
Don't imagine that you are alone
They make us what we have become

Life is sweet when you have this
It may not always be made of bliss
Make up to her
Whom you have sweetly kissed.



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