
Broken now, beyond repair
Eyes vacant
A sightless stare
He looks asleep
At peace at rest

A crimson pool
Reveals the truth
This fella has gone
No longer in pain

Reposed on the lawn
Chewing on wood
Reduced to pulpy
Chunky sawdust

Not the smartest
Not by far
Yet he held an intelligence
 A glowing star

We found him in the Cardonald home
A lonely guy
With a sadness looming
Thin and helpless
Imprisoned by wire
Inside him we saw a helpless child

He stayed with us for a short short while
As children grow
He does too
A mighty dog
Full and strong
A gentleness
Aware of life
He'd have followed us through fire and strife

He scaled the heights
Sinew and claws
Sometimes get stuck
And need rescued
Chasing sticks much bigger than he
White horses he'd ride
Conquer and tame

A sadness fills our home for now
They don't remain for very long
As our lifetimes turn and move
Each decade takes away some light
Like flotsam removed by pulling tides

We will never understand
The reasons why they stay so close
The pack mentality some would say
I believe its more like care
As a family member
A heroic friend
He passed in comfort
Asleep in his bed

Our dear auld Harvey
Running now beyond our sight
I hope your feeling better, bright
We'll miss you big guy
Good night
 Take care.


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