It makes no difference to me
What you do or do not see
I can't look through your eyes
Anything you witness
To me is a big surprise
Sure you can describe it
Using descriptive accurate prose
Or show me where to look
I can go and have a nose
Will I see what you have seen
Will I be as impressed
As you have seemed
My exhuberance lifts
By bearing witness
Or will my excitement be tempered
By my own impressions
To allow me to observe through the eyes of another
Would be a gift indeed
There are some things
Undeniably startling
That please huge crowds
Applause exploding
Do we all see what the next man does
Or are we driven to see what our own eyes see
It would be easy to expect
That the rose once bloomed
Could cause a rush
Individuals wonder at its beauty
Her scent caresses our innocence
Do you smell what I smell
Do you feel what I feel
When we embrace
In a world of beauty
In a world of beauty
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