Long walks
Feet stinging with the pain of my enduring walk
Blister on blister ready to pop
Fire, in between red raw toes
No escape for another ten miles
Tendons stretched beyond nature
Aches and strains
A rucksack packed far too much with lifes 'necessities'
Cans of food, drinks wrapped in aluminium
Kilo upon kilo of excessive tare
As sweat pours in rivers
Into my irritating chaffing underwear
Step leads to step
stumbling, tripping
Raising and lowering
Legs heavy lactic overdose
Not intoxicating
Coming closer to the end
I can see my goal
Not a plush hotel
Or comfortable bed
No sturdy frame
Or forgiving mattress
Canvas placed precariously
Upon a bumpy rock laden plot
Walking is just so much fun
I feel so fit, unburdened
I could run and run
Madness invades my waking hours
Insanity clouds my dreams
It is intolerable to believe that
Walking so far is anything close to enjoyment
It is not
Inside my muscles scream
Lay on a beach and catch the rays
Go to France or Spain
Don't imagine that walking the walk
Could be anything more than constant pain.
Doin it again in october.