Scottish summer

And the rain it is falling
The sound is comfort
As I sit inside listening
The wind causes action
That pushes on the trees

A hundred thousand leaves
Act like odd sails
Roots anchor them sturdy
Rigging presented
They stay where they are

As far as the eye can see
Glistens, as droplets
Roll to the ground

Puddles and rivulets
Pour from the hills
Inclines though slight
Have an inevitability

Gravitating downwards
Gather, their swelling
The cycle continues
As the sea claims her prize

Vapour she rises
Clouds become heavy
Atmosphere changes
The rains come again

We drink our fill
Abundance an understatement
In this pleasant land

Nurture refreshes
From mountain to valley
Fed by our nation
Quenched by her goodness
Our Scotland
Oor hame


Sunshine tomorrow?
Drying massaging
In spate
The rivers replenish
Feeding us always
This country for life



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