Just Like Anyone Else
I have ears
I also have eyes
I can hear
I can see
I have feet
Covered in shoes
My socks
Keep me warm
Cushioning the blows
Inside of me
Organs function
Heart pumps blood
Compels expulsion
Abuse my liver
Overwork my bladder
Kidneys function
Aches and pains
Fit and hale
Summer time tanning
Winter skin pale
Lungs that take
Great volumes of air
In and out
Alive, I am aware
My fingers grasp
The intricate workings
Inside of my head
Beneath the toughness of my skull
My brain uses information
I process and feel
Like everyone
No matter their colour
My palest of skin
Scottish in pallor
The hair on my head
Unruly, grows quickly
I am unique
Just like you
I am human
Capable of greatness
Humble when relevant
Happy with glee
I can cry like any one
Tears from me can stream
I watch the TV
Or listen to tunes
The sorrow of warfare
The struggles I see
The inspiring that touches me
Way down inside
The things that I have witnessed
That make me want to hide
Or to share with all others
Who missed their chance to see
Just like anyone
Not too unusual
Capable of loving
Capable of hate
Sometimes on time
Notoriously late
Just like anyone
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