
The pride, the passion
The loyalty, the reason
The world
Hurtful lesions

We do our best to please and honour
The rules of society
Worth the bother
Honesty in a humans nature
No need to bribe
Or curry favour

The ability to ponder
Law's and morals all of us gather
If we allow ouselves to stray
If the moral chip has slipped away
Anarchic persuasion
To weakened minds
Intoxicates them as it finds

Gripped and angry
Pay the price
For a lack of civility
Mostly we try to tow the line
Gripped by addiction
Society hidden

None of us keen to do some time
Others trapped by generational angst
Second nature not a chance
More like taught by those who are blind

Father taught the wrong way
Mother sits and weeps her tears
A son departed
A daughter gone
Opiate intoxication
Was just to good
Their will not strong

The scourge of the hopeless
Pin pricks of ecstacy
Brains a fuddle
Sleeping in urine soaked puddles

What I would give to have the chance
To offer up a friendly word
Before the life of one so cursed
Was ripped from them
Using drugs
Did they choose the life they hug?
Or was it forced
By misadventure

The dreams once held
Now broken and shattered
Tarnished needles
Strewn and scattered.



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