We all go away.

When you noticed I was gone
Did you howl up to the moon
When you realised I had passed
Which memories
Were built to last

When you see me next
Will we embrace
After the decades
Between then and now
Will you know who I am
My now young face

I have studied every move you have made
Whenever I've been near
Rest assured
There is nothing to fear
Your heart is pure
It is so clear
My pride rips through
Negativity disappears

Don't worry now
About what has to come
When life has ebbed
The earthly tide has turned
Discomfort leaves
A feather like kiss
No breath to take
No straining heaves
Struggling to escape
A throat as it quakes

I am with you every step
I have watched you as you sleep
Your dreams are your own
Wishes too make
The important thing is
That you never forget
You are who you are because of me

I offered you kindness
You took it away
I offered you love
A heart like sponge
When sadness caused grief
Making up was fun
In the summer we would run
Fields bathed in green
Warmed by the afternoon sun

Always around
Just say my name
Never too far
I'm listening to you
I may not always answer so that you can hear
My answers may be hidden
Subtly dealt each day.


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