
A cloud descends
Enveloping me
Scared to breathe
Except through teeth
If I take a gasp
I will inhale
One hundred tiny
Blood feasting beasts

It seems that at first
They cause me no trauma
If I dare to scratch
I'll do so forever

Although not the most handsome
Or pleasing too the eye
When they attack my face in their fire
I begin to look like Quas-i,
This induces ire

Collagen implants
I don't need them
Botox injections around my eyes
The swelling is instant the insanity clear
When the Midgie starts biting
I'm living in hell

Voracious wee bastards
Appetite large
Thank god their not bigger
Or they would carry me off
Screaming and yelling
Up into the sky
My skin falls away
As they tear me apart

No matter how many
I kill with a swipe
The hungry wee midgie
Keeps coming on back

There are more of these insects than stars in the sky
Within a square metre
A galaxy of irritation
I could sit down
Curl in a ball
Cry Just Cry



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