Stresses and strains.

I love this life
Its good to be alive
Despite the distractions
That lose us sometimes
Stressed out by working
You just can't decide
If it would be easier
Just living
Unsheltered, outside

Chilled in the winter
Cardboard no shelter
Continuing to grind it out
The next day no better
Sometimes when working
You can leave for two weeks
dealing with the pressures
The way you know how
Off down to benidorm
Escape the home town

You'll go on a holiday off of west coast of Africa
See some old friends
You could meet in canaria
You might go with your wife
Rejoicing in your life

You realise quite quickly that
Staying on at the factory
Paying your way in this sunny weather
Is cheaper forever, tacticly
Peter and Paul
Safe from sneaky robbery
You kept your money in the bank
Despite all the temptations
You found on e-bay
It wasn't easy
But you survived

You might be entrenched
With all kinds of debtors
Fearfully receiving the red ones demanding
Without all this shit
Each day could be outstanding

Stresses and strains continue
Any notion of you landing
Squarely on your feet
A wish for more dinners
Plentiful bounty
Children need fed
So that they are healthy and sturdy

Everyone one is stressed sometimes
The reasons many the pain heavy
Through life
Dancing quite effortlessly or stumbling precariously
Clumsy ones perish when strains get the best of them
Tripping and skipping
Drunken or sober
Needing more cash
To get through October

Somethings are best left
Way deep in the past
Trials that tribulate us
Might cause us to faulter
Late for a meeting
Because the tyres are leaking?
If that's your only issue
Have a tissue.

Works just a part of it
When you're carrying such weight
But try to consider
That moments quickly pass
Stresses and strains
Are never built to last
Once gone

In the future
Details might be a mystery
Slipped from your mind all too quickly

Stressors can cause discomfort and misery

There is comfort in knowing
History is grey and black
Hidden by reality
There is no returning
To places and events
That hurt or confused us
Made us sore or bruised us

For some I fear
The worst is true
I wish the world would do more for you
Take a hand
We will walk with you
Tell you
It is going to be alright
Help you to decide
What you can do for you

Celebrate those
Who have slipped from your sight
They're still in your head
The relationships different
As others have said
I am sure they watch over you
As you go for a nap
If they showed themselves in front of you
You would bend and may snap
They have no wish to frighten
Those left behind
Especially when in life
those folks were always kind. x

You don't need to forget things
But rather remember
The shining examples
The rougher than diamonds
The wonderful happenings
And the sorrowful mourning
The births and the marriages
White cars and carriages
The children arriving families spreading
Moving on cautiously

Hoping for the best?



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