Anxiety threatens security Compounds the stress Optimism demands you be positive Outlook confounds dismay Should we expect failure? Love and laughter Or tears and hate Kindness follows you If you give of yourself without looking for consequence Receive in kind if luck prevails upon you A truth of life The Good of you honoured so You realise more of your worth When kindness favours you Avoid the scumbags They will drag you under Out of breath You cough and splutter True to your self The Air is clean Oxygen Not monoxide fumes. Plagued by misery Stuck in their own lives Choking on the misfortune of others They are sometimes victims Of a life less fortunate Adventurous Or cautiously treading Fearful of the world out side of windows Most going by are truly honest Wealth is determined Not by cash Abundance in caring For everyone Fills your wallet and your pockets Helps the old cover a draught Create a smile and a laugh Not a tear in hungry bell...