
I could not be you
Take away the pain
I just had to watch
Driven nearly insane

I wish time was a healer
Could be put into reverse
Drying your tears
Seeing through your eyes
Stung by incomprehension
But knowledgeable still
You knew it might happen
But hoped it would never occur

I wish I was me
Free from your sorrow
I'm weak and I know
Sometimes life is just borrowed

I am only I
Never can I know
Just how you felt
Slow motion surreality
An existence so shallow
Filled to the brim with excesses of sorrow
The best of hopes only have a chance to arrive
If you're still alive tomorrow


I wish I was you
To carry the load
Even for a short time
Till the worst of it ends.
We met for a short time
My time will come also

Now fly with the wind
Your heart is free
We are far from home
It was too hard to stay
Take care young explorer
We will meet again

Those who tried to guide you
Onto solid ground
Steady your ship
Help you stand proud
Will keep trying to help others
In the ways they know how
I hope we have learned
That sometimes no matter what
The decision to leave
Is too strong to stop

Now you are dead
Free from your pain
Sleep well in the other place
Summer for ever
Sweet is the air
The sun on you forehead
The warm wind lifts your hair
Running quite freely
With those who went before

Those left behind will forever mourn
Sadness envelopes
The strongest of men
Never forgetting
A young one has gone.



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