March 2011, solitude and the farmed was released and has been selling, although too what extent I do not yet know. The local newspaper in the Paisley area; The Paisley Daily Express, has been kind enough to run a substantial story about the book and its author 'Me'. It was an incredibly pleasurable and unusual experience, knowing in some way,that although it does not have a huge circulation, the P D E, has a fairly large readership. I do not tell this because I have any wish to appear as though I live in a puddle, I realise that as far as publicity goes, some may regard the 'Express' as a quite small journal, however when you have grown up in a town the size of Paisley and you have also written about that particular area it is really quite a pleasing experience. The nature of large scale publicity would of course be more pleasing, but as some old 'dude' said, "Do not look a gift horse in the mouth" Never really knew what that meant, and if I am honest,...