
Showing posts from 2011


2012 in consideration of the new year dawning Up for it early when we're done yawning Watching world news as it tells us of sorrow Of humanities struggles In lands far away Tragedy's drop us into an abyss The brutality of soldiers Filming themselves Inflicting a flick of their wrists On the once loyal and faithful The teachers stop teaching When they are dead. Despite this reminder of a world upside down. Of the problems and issues that stick in our sighs I see a future that is just like the past As we spin in the heavens the cosmos so vast We will keep on hurting and killing each other Children will die As will their fathers and their brave brothers When all the mourning has died and all the dropping tears have dried The world keeps on turning Life keeps on running Brutality Suffering As well as the love that implores hearts to beat The strength that drives the courage that thrives Don't let the bastards get you down.

passaleth: Edan Corc

passaleth: Edan Corc : As humans we are arrogant if we believe that everything breaths the same air as we do, eats a similar diet or covets the sunshine and the ou...

Edan Corc

As humans we are arrogant if we believe that everything breaths the same air as we do, eats a similar diet or covets the sunshine and the outdoors in the same way that we do. If we all have a destiny or a purpose , be it as writer or poet, doctor or nurse, farmer or retailer or perhaps idle and permanently in a drunken stupor, or unemployed and depressed as sad as it sounds perhaps destiny has decided for you. There may just be other directions that have been pre -determined, if we cannot see it, is it really there? Edan's purpose is unimaginable to most if not anyone else, other than he himself, even so the boy finds it completely beyond logic and understanding when he considers the world in which he lives that anything like what is happening could ever happen to him, why him? . What is real for you, may not be real or 'normal' to me. The boy will have no choice other than that presented to him. Is it a burden or a curse, or salvation from the mundane existence he has led ...

passaleth: Always wondering, never sure, Edan was now certain...

passaleth: Always wondering, never sure, Edan was now certain... : Always wondering, never sure, Edan was now certain that the man in front of him right here, right now, was someone he was sure that he knew....
Always wondering, never sure, Edan was now certain that the man in front of him right here, right now, was someone he was sure that he knew. The familiarity that you sometimes feel when you meet a stranger for the first time rushed over him in waves and his spine tingled with the expectation that the man knew him. Paul Scott, lurked in the shadows, the skipper had trusted him enough to welcome him among his Crew, and now he peered at his prize, silently, he concealed his pleasure with blank expression, it wouldn't be long now. 'Edan Corc' By AG Leyden

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED : "It is very difficult to promote and market a book if you lack the funds to do so, as a self-published author there is no guarantee that the..."


It is very difficult to promote and market a book if you lack the funds to do so, as a self-published author there is no guarantee that the reader will even wish to gamble on the possibility that a book or a story within that book is worth the time it would take for him/her to read the words, whats the point? I hear you say!! Well in my honest and truthful opinion, the reader will be drawn into SOLITUDE and will find himself thinking about the story after he has finished reading either the entire story or certain extracts held within. One reader has fed back to me 'here' concern that she had a very real and frightening nightmare, after she had read the whole book, that "Because I read your story, Andy, I thought, in my dream that someone was going to steal my soul!" Praise indeed. I can of course only imagine what goes that ladies mind at the best of times, however I am very happy that SOLITUDE had this effect on her, JOB DONE, as they say. But don't take my, ...

passaleth: Edan Corc

passaleth: Edan Corc : "Within the last two months I have suffered the torment of having my computer crash on me, the lesson learned was one of frustration, I had n..."

Edan Corc

Within the last two months I have suffered the torment of having my computer crash on me, the lesson learned was one of frustration, I had not backed up the words that I had managed to accumulate towards my next book 'Edan Corc' but you know what in the end and on reflection I decided that it was absolutely fine. Being able to start afresh with the same idea but in a different way has only served to enhance my understanding that if I want the story to be read, it needs to be good enough to hold the attention of the reader. Sometimes disaster is its own silver lining, so I plod on regardless in the hope that my endeavour will not be wasted. AGL

passaleth: Untitled

passaleth: Untitled : "Carried away, caught by the storm Blown about For far too long Ink fills the evening The night time is drawn Sleep will come easily After t..."


Carried away, caught by the storm Blown about For far too long Ink fills the evening The night time is drawn Sleep will come easily After the yawn Broken by the fierceness Of typhonic destruction Out of the vortex Taken by suction Free from your torment Now programmed to function The sun fills your future The winds have now gone Ink fills the evening The night time is drawn Sleep will come easily After you've yawned Peace as you slumber Inside of your bed The traumatic disfigurement Has been offered as a friend With the chance to recuperate You'll rise again Ink fills the evening The night time has come Sleep offers solace At least unto some

A Jumble of memories

The rain washed streets of my home town Used to frequently get me down The sun in summer behind dark clouds My mood would dip My face a frown Now memories of a distant past Of Paisley as the waters lashed Behind a window Rivulets pouring Or upon a couch TV Brainwashed, ultimately boring Now in truth I must admit That I simply could not Handle it I'd find my jacket and put on some shoes Splash the puddles soak my blues Evenings walking in the rain Then home again alone in vain No freedom from my lonely endeavour To meet someone A maiden fair I sit here now in the south Machars Typing out the thoughts I had Loved by many or at least a few When the clouds burst forth I'm glad I'm with you In the company of spouse and weans I hope the weather turns bad again Life is easy in the sun The heat of the star caresses and burns The light of days long and lasting Memories made, slowly passing My kids grow up As we keep looking I hope when older they will see That loneliness is a short...

passaleth: Strange

passaleth: Strange : "Its strange you know this life worth living Sometimes taking The best of you giving I feel on occasion I can give no more Up and down on co..."


Its strange you know this life worth living Sometimes taking The best of you giving I feel on occasion I can give no more Up and down on coaster rolling But to take to much can be eternally troubling I find myself in floods of tears Swimming amid My hidden fears Those who give Are well intentioned If you always take You won't be mentioned When histories are told by learned scholars Philanthropies are more than cherished The misers come in books by Dickens But that which is offered is freely gathered When in exhaustion you are lying And the death like shadows are forthcoming Remember friend that your life was for living It was about taking and about giving A two way street towards an end A balanced scale of human feeling

passaleth: I'm sick of it

passaleth: I'm sick of it : "Let the battles of men Be vanquished and settled Warmongers relenquish your murderous fettle Let every mother Clutch her son to her bosom D..."

I'm sick of it

Let the battles of men Be vanquished and settled Warmongers relenquish your murderous fettle Let every mother Clutch her son to her bosom Disband all of the armies That lead them to harm OH for a world at peace with itself Out on the battlefields silence will fall No need for our children To rise up to the call Our brothers and neighbours Conversant and friendly Political Musclemen With biceps unflexed We can love all of our enemies If no enemies exist The extinction of vocabularies Fighting desists What price would we pay Apart from false pride Why would we have need To scurry and hide When the sirens are wailing with death by our side Peace is apparently out of our reach But its nice to imagine that One day it will come Staying with us always As will our sons

passaleth: Critique

passaleth: Critique : "When I wrote the stories that were released in February, it was after a long struggle filled period of time, where unable to fund a professi..."


When I wrote the stories that were released in February, it was after a long struggle filled period of time, where unable to fund a professional editor my wife, Rosalind and I decided that self editing was how it must be. I am extremely proud of SOLITUDE and although THE FARMED is a decent enough story, part of me wishes that I had only released Solitude and taken more time to build hte structure of The Farmed and give it the time it deserved rather than thinking that the book would have been too small with just one of the stories contained within its cover. But Hey Ho! The experience of publishing and having a book published is one of the single most important experiences that I have ever had, it has given me a belief in my own ability, my next story Edan Corc , will be produced in a more professional manner, the editing process and the characters will and are being given more consideration, and unlike previous stories I know how it ends, all I have to do now is take Edan on his j...


As I stand amid the woods in bloom In isolation under rays of sun A choice I made to be alone Without companions I need not bemoan A chosen way, a lonely existence No others bother me In their persistence Of time they wish to spend with me If they were to look Then they would see Chosen paths In solitude Meditation Inward thought reflecting on All those who have gone If forced upon us Isolation The pain inside May be hard to bear Cast out by societies Who see me strangeness looming Misunderstood, ignored by all In contemplation I realise That the peace I seek Is beyond these trees Despite the need for quiet reflection Conversations keep me sane Its OK to seek out some peace Of lonely places Where you can hide no seek But remember that you have a choice Solitude is in your mind In a crowd of one thousand others Loneliness can find make you quiver Don't lose contact with friends and brothers Can Solitude be enjoyed if You are in thecompany of others?

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED : "March 2011, solitude and the farmed was released and has been selling, although too what extent I do not yet know. The local newspaper in th..."


March 2011, solitude and the farmed was released and has been selling, although too what extent I do not yet know. The local newspaper in the Paisley area; The Paisley Daily Express, has been kind enough to run a substantial story about the book and its author 'Me'. It was an incredibly pleasurable and unusual experience, knowing in some way,that although it does not have a huge circulation, the P D E, has a fairly large readership. I do not tell this because I have any wish to appear as though I live in a puddle, I realise that as far as publicity goes, some may regard the 'Express' as a quite small journal, however when you have grown up in a town the size of Paisley and you have also written about that particular area it is really quite a pleasing experience. The nature of large scale publicity would of course be more pleasing, but as some old 'dude' said, "Do not look a gift horse in the mouth" Never really knew what that meant, and if I am honest,...

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED : "Well that's it out there in the great big world. At first, once the book had been released I was filled with an incredibly potent feeling of..."


Well that's it out there in the great big world. At first, once the book had been released I was filled with an incredibly potent feeling of fear and dread. What would the reader think? Good stories ? Bad Stories? a multitude of emotions visited me every minute of every single day. Now I find, that although still touched by a tiny amount of nervousness, the over all feeling I have is one of confidence, and a sort of devil may care attitude, I do care what the reader thinks about my work, but, it doesn't really matter as much now, its too late, the bird has flown, the words are free. I believe in my heart that both of the stories are worthy of being read by whoever wishes to spend some time reading. Sure opinions may differ, but my own opinion, though possibly irrelevant, is my own. Available to by online on and on, also at Wh Smith and Barnes and Noble as well as from the Author website, AG Leyden /SOLITUDE and THE FARMED. Please enjoy reading as much a...


SOLITUDE and THE FARMED By AG Leyden is now available through, Its web-page, From From Barnes and Noble book retailers And also On-Line by WH Smith

passaleth: Proof copy good to go,

passaleth: Proof copy good to go, : "Now that 'SOLITUDE and THE FARMED' is released, I realise more and more that the stories are unusual in that, I believe that I am one of th..."

passaleth: Proof copy good to go,

passaleth: Proof copy good to go, : "Now that 'SOLITUDE and THE FARMED' is released, I realise more and more that the stories are unusual in that, I believe that I am one of th..."

Proof copy good to go,

Now that 'SOLITUDE and THE FARMED' is released, I realise more and more that the stories are unusual in that, I believe that I am one of the few Scottish authors who have sent such fiction out into the world. The strength of the characters has begun to sink in, in so much that having read the book as a 'book' for the first time I began to feel empathy and concern and some measure of disgust at the acts performed by the main protagonist Archie Gibson in SOLITUDE. If evil exists and is mixed heavily with a dose of mental illness then Archie certainly has it. All of the group of characters within the pages of THE FARMED left me hoping that I could turn back time and rescue them from the ordeal(s) that they have been individually thrown into. But unfortunately they must accept their fate and help the story reach its conclusion.

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED, out 2011

passaleth: SOLITUDE and THE FARMED, out 2011



passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed

passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed : "Am I alone in my worry and concern around the impending freedom that my stories will have? Once released judgement and opinions may or may n..."

Solitude and The Farmed

Am I alone in my worry and concern around the impending freedom that my stories will have? Once released judgement and opinions may or may not come my way. If they do, I would not be so presumptious or feel so self important that I expect 'things' to happen, I'll just have to wait and see. Does everyone who writes a story experience the discomfort of the unknown that I am now experiencing? I must say, that although I am confident in the quality of my work, the stories flow and they have an identifiable purpose, I still have the trepidatious feeling that if they are not well received I may be seen as a time waster or intellectual turnip. Archie Gibson is a strong and demonic individual, who is cunning and ruthless in his ability to find and stalk his victims. The idea that such a person may have existed in Victorian Scotland is not, I believe, unimaginable. Those were hard times, and social interactions were based on class and a persons station in life. It is wholly con...

passaleth: passaleth: untitled

passaleth: passaleth: untitled : "passaleth: untitled: 'I was born beneath the sun, I learned to walk, and then to run, I've stumbled and tripped but ne'r did fall, Sat upon ..."

passaleth: From 'The' to 'End'

passaleth: From 'The' to 'End' : "Its been 9-10 months since I entered the task of finding a publisher with whom I was happy to accept as a partner in my self-publishing vent..."

From 'The' to 'End'

Its been 9-10 months since I entered the task of finding a publisher with whom I was happy to accept as a partner in my self-publishing venture. Money was tight and the need for self-editing became clear, however through hard endeavour and the scrupelous assistance of others, the final draft was good to go around October 2010. Now its only a matter of time before my stories 'Solitude' and 'The Farmed' are available to all. This has undoubtedly been a very drawn out and frustrating process. The key to progress is patience and understanding. The hope is realistic in that I would be forever indebted if just one person who I have never met were to read my stories and enjoy them, quality can only be measured by the experience itself, no amount of speculation or dreaming can match up to the physical act of someone 'tasting' the product. Although gratifying so far, and the feed back positive I cannot wait until that day when my aspirations have come. As a Poet? I hav...

passaleth: untitled

passaleth: untitled : "I was born beneath the sun, I learned to walk, and then to run, I've stumbled and tripped but ne'r did fall, Sat upon fences, and peered ove..."

passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed

passaleth: Solitude and The Farmed : "Solitude: Archie Gibson wants to be your friend, if you have ever been lonely or isolated from the world, Archie will try to find you, and ..."

Solitude and The Farmed

Solitude: Archie Gibson wants to be your friend, if you have ever been lonely or isolated from the world, Archie will find you, and once he has, he will make sure that you will never be lonely again, friendship is not always a mutual relationship. For Archie to take you to his 'place', he's going to need you to bring others along. A supernatural horror written by AG Leyden out in January 2011 The Farmed: A clean world, free from disease and pollution, what would be better for ensuring the continued existence of the Earth, Michael has travelled millions of miles through the star lit heavens so that the world can be cured. Now he needs the help of some others, who's only common thread is the location where they were raised and there familiarity with the hills above their home town. Longevity is not the be all and end all, sometimes it comes at a price! A science fiction story that will cause you to think about your environment written by AG Leyden, out in January 2011.

passaleth: Edan Corc

passaleth: Edan Corc : "Its more important whats inside us than what can be seen from the outside. Edan has many qualities, those that are obvious and one in parti..."

Edan Corc

Its more important whats inside us than what can be seen from the outside. Edan has many qualities, those that are obvious and one in particular that is completely hidden from view, in this case 'Quality' is a fairly generous description of this invisible commodity, so hidden that he is not completely aware of it him self! Blood is thicker than water!